Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Au reviour

Spent the morning packing up, cleaning and shutting up the mill. We came across a little dormouse in the barn as we were putting things away. About half an hour later it was still in the same place and we discovered it was wedged in a gap between the flagstones. We tried to help it out but it couldn't move. Don't know how it had got its head through such a tiny gap. We couldn't just leave it there to die but didn't think we would be able to kill it either. The only option was to try to lift the flagstone. Mike spent about half an hr chipping the mortar out and it was squeaking like mad poor thing. Finally it was released and seemed fine and not all that little once it's whole body was out. So after all that happened we were late leaving and ha d a long long drive up north and far too many episodes of peppa pig!

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