
By Fuzzy14

Olympic Football

I was of the opinion that sending the Olympic football around the nation was a case of trying to appease the natives, however with an official Olympic event on my doorstep I figured I may as well go I say I been there.

Turned out it was very good, £51 for a family of 5 to watch 2 football games was good value for money, the stadium and surrounds were dressed up with the correct marketing. It felt like a proper Olympic event!

11,000 turned up, I've seen worse at Hampden and is probably a record attendance for woman's football in Scotland! The USA team were well supported, the crowd thinned out for the second game. It was pretty much one way traffic and the game finished USA 4-0 Columbia.

North Korea probably didn't deserve to be a goal down at half time but in the second half they just capitulated and it finished 5-0 to France.

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