Pool of Water
It has been a warmish day and the sun showed her face this afternoon along with some wind.
I have been behaving myself and resting my leg. I got a lot of reading done and not too much else. All seem Ok so far.
This is the pink Cyclamen I got the other day to take over to Akaroa along with the red ones.
Fun facts about Cyclamens
* Cyclamen is also known as “sowbread,” as it fed to pigs to enhance the flavour of pork.
* The name Cyclamen comes from the Greek word “kuklos,” meaning circle.
* Cyclamens have been used in traditional herbal medicine to heal wounds and boils.
* During the Renaissance, the ear-shaped leaves were thought to heal ear aches.
* In the late 16th century, cyclamen was used to induce childbirth.
* These plants are toxic to dogs and cats.
* In the language of flowers, cyclamen symbolise departure; they would be a perfect gift for someone who is retiring or relocating.
For more Info on the Cyclamen.
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