New Dawn ?

I should be asleep now, but unfolding events have caused me to check the news.

I arrived at the stadium in good time. The top image is sunset, looking towards Chat Moss, as I was getting my first coffee of the night.

The verification and counting process went smoothly, but it was still a long night. The second image is the announcement of the Salford result at about 4am. Remain - 47,430. Leave - 62,385.

And the third image is of a gloomy dawn, looking towards the M60 and the Barton high level bridge over the ship canal.

The markets have plummeted and David Cameron has resigned. For me, this was never about economics. Creating the EU and tying the previously warring European states together on the basis of mutual self-interest was always about politics. Fragmentation and disintegration is not in anyone's interest. Well - no-one within the current EU at least.

This new dawn takes us into uncharted territory.

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