Coming out of the sky I name Me a name
Before anyone else gets in; i declare independence.
Independence from having to listen to the crap that spouts forth from politicians and supporters on both sides.
My home is my castle and now it is an independent principality; the kingdom of Cruse, all are welcome but you gonna have to abide by my rules;
There are ten days in a week; five weekdays and five weekend days.
Ten months a year.
ten hours a day and ten hours at night and then there are going to be four hours which you can take where ever you want during the course of day/night. (Much better to take them at night. You don't want to be extending the working day) .
Then there is the love.
You don't have to be christian, or muslim (i wrote muslin there).. Or hindu or buddha (ramalamadingdong leeanne). You just gotta love people; respect their voices and their hearts.
But if you say something stupid you are highly likely to get a slap round the lug'ole.
And if there isn't crisps and chocolate as welcome gifts don't bother.
Peace, love, and tolerance
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