horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Lining Up

Odd feeling to the day, which was spent at the Highland Show (which as ever was a great way to spend the day). These were the Zwartbles being judged - liked the one guy out of alignment.

Regarding Brexit, posted this in another place:

There's a load of hyperbole going about today. I don't think we're naturally heading back to the dark ages, wrong though I think this decision is. Annoyed I didn't think to get Euros ahead of our trip to France in September mind you. From a personal point of view my job could be 'interesting', given our parent is Dutch, and we passport funds into Europe (from the UK and Ireland); and the house will be worth less now (though conversely, I guess, land for our smallholding should be cheaper too). I do wonder how many No voters from a couple of years ago are wondering, not necessarily regretting, but wondering, if they should have voted the other way.
I certainly never thought I'd be unhappy at hearing Cameron resign, simply because there may be a leadership fight between the likes of Gove and BoJo now.... Jokes about BoJo PM and Trump President seem less funny now...
Above all else, though, I think we need to work out how we can influence the way forward. If that's Indyref 2 then I would personally welcome that. If it's not then we have to work with what we have. This isn't about today, or the next few months, but the next decade, and decades. We can regroup, and we can do all we can to make sure than an exited UK remains a fair and reasonable society.
So disappointment, yes, but this is not the time to curl up into a ball in the corner of the room gently rocking.
And that's it for me.

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