
By jiana

Kirara-chan on my husband's desk

The day before yesterday, one of Haruko's daughters, Kirara-chan came to my house and became our daughter. She sat on the container of body smoother on the dining table. But today, I found her on my husbands PC desk. My husband told me he took Kirara-chan from the dining table to there, because he felt sorry her to be on the messy table.

"Come on, what are you doing? You took away a frame of family's picture and took Kirara-chan to your side, didn't you?" I said to him. (We had taken family photo as an anniversary of his 60th birthday and I had put it on his desk. But there is no photo on his desk now.)

He pointed out the piles of books calmly and said, "Don't worry about it. That is in them, may be."

This is how Kirara-chan became an adopted daughter of my granddaughter, Yako-chan, and my husband became a father of a bride.

I am sure Yako will like Kirara-chan very much.

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