
By CPallotto21

Day Trip - GJ

KP and I woke up early to drive the 250 miles to my hometown to see my grandpa (Bopa). I call him Bopa because when I was young I couldn't say 'papa' so it stuck for all the grandkids. His health isn't great, but it hasn't been for a while. He has his good days and some bad. I wish GJ wasn't so hard to get to. Anyway, we got into town and had a good time catching up. Our yard looked like a jungle so despite Bopa's protest I won and started up the mower. The house was his mother's and I remember going over every day to visit my great grandmother before she passed away. Olga was a school teacher and always had books for me to read. I enjoyed her helping me learn and seeing how proud she was of me. My grandpa always wanted a daughter so it was fate that he finally got me! I think I was more than he expected. When I was a baby he put my diaper on backwards. It is fun imagining him trying to understand a little girl and one so full of energy like I was. The picture is Olga and her husband Newell. Newell passed away when I was a child but I remember him dressing up as a Shriners clown. I think he was happy his son finally had a daughter to raise.

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