Slept late.  Had breakfast.  Felt tired and headachey.  Went to bed again.  What a start to the day.  Fortunately it got better.

Waited till the rain had stopped and walked down to the village.  There was dampness in the air and it was very humid.  The rain kept off until I got back and then the heavens opened again.  No thunder today though.

I got home in time to watch the end of the match between  Switzerland V Poland - a penalty shoot out which Poland won.  Later on I watched Wales V Northern Ireland - Wales won.  Now its Croatia V Portugal.  No score yet.

Spotted two wood pigeons on the bird table this afternoon and took a few shots of them together and individually.  It wasn't until I looked at the photos on the computer that I realised one of them wasn't a wood pigeon.  Wood pigeons have a white spot on their necks.  So this one must be a feral pigeon ........ I think.

Steps today - 7,243

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