
By mike191435

A parish church

Well it's not much  of a parish, Goupillière, with only about 15 houses situated in this little hamlet near Lyons La Foret. I don't think that the church is used anymore, but it remains a reminder of how things were so different in years gone by. The weather today has been reasonable, with some sunshine, some rain, plenty of clouds and temperatures of around 23°c. Tomorrow we have been invited to a barbecue, although it has been planned for us to eat 'inside' due to the forecast of lower temperatures once again. However, as recent history has shown, who knows, we may well find ourselves in our bathing suits enjoying the sun after all! The news today is still very much focused on the results of the EU referendum in the UK, with pressure growing from Europe for the UK to 'pull out' fast. There are plenty of British ex-pats, like myself, who are asking questions and are showing considerable concern about our future. Oh well, as I have already said, we must stay positive and take each day as it comes................................a worrying time just the same!  I hope that you are having some nice weather wherever you may be, and I wish you all a very good evening, morning or day and thank you once again for your continued following.

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