
By Alaska

Project of the week.

About 10 years ago we scored this wooden bench at the local dump. It was rickety and painted black, but had possibilities. For several years it served as a bench for potted plants, passed through other phases of life, and now it was due an upgrade. David screwed, glued, and sanded it, and I painted it with colors left over from painting the bathroom a few years ago. 
Cushions were in order, so I raided my fabric stash and found these pieces from when I was learning to dye and batik, also many years ago! 
I sewed these pillowcases, the backsides of each are the turquoise that is on the band of the one on the left, fabric left over from another long ago project. 
This is why many of us seldom get rid of anything, as you just never know when you will find a use for it! 
It would be interesting to see projects other blippers have created with stuff from their pasts. 

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