Tired legs

GravyC sent me this card when we were dating, and it sits on my bedside cabinet (which hasn't actually been at my bedside since Noo was born!) It was a little dusty until Thursday when GravyC and Noo gave the bedroom a spring clean. My legs have aged quite a bit since receiving the card, and they have clocked up a lot more miles! Today, however, I had very tired legs that could barely cycle up the hills on the way to work, and struggled even more to get me up the seemingly steeper hills on the return journey.

ZQ and Noo, in contrast, had plenty of bounce in their legs! They entertained us with hours of wrestling and squealing. Eventually there was calm, and Noo sorted his dinosaurs into those that ate meat and those that ate leaves!!!

"How do you know which dinosaurs eat meat and which eat leaves?"

Noo - "The ones with sharp teeth and claws are the ones that eat meat!. The others don't need sharp teeth and claws..."

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