
We had a great time at the Alzheimer's Society of Washington Gala. The theme was 007 and Nora, my sister-in-law, dressed as one of the Bond ladies. She looked really great in the red dress. I was "M" and I wore a teal suit of mine with one of Arvin's shirts and his tie. I got lots of comments on my outfit which was fun. (You can see me in the extra photo.) 

The auction went really well. This year they had a great professional auctioneer and she did a fabulous job. She wasn't pushy but she was able to spur the bidding on. The most effective section was when my good friend Cathy told the story of her and her husband's journey as he developed Alzheimer's. She was honest, direct, and emotionally clear and courageous as she talked about the path of their lives. After she talked they auctioned for donations and lots of people were bidding. 

Arvin and I won season tickets to the local theater guild in the silent auction. Nora got some great martini packages and a golfing outing. We all donated during the donation portion of the auction. The auction was a great success.

When we got home, Nora headed back to Anacortes and Steve and I played a game of Carcassonne. Arvin headed off to bed early. He was quite tired because he and I had taken a long walk in the morning in the park. Actually I pushed him farther than I should have by taking an extra path in hopes of seeing the osprey. Next time I will give that a miss as Arvin got quite out of balance by the end of the walk. When he gets tired that's what happens to him. Luckily we got him safely back to the car and home but I realized I need to be a bit less enthusiastic when we walk together. 

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