By AMK49

Dog in the sulks!

After the early morning church service, then out to the farm to check the hens were ok after our holiday, it was off to St Andrews to play with a few other members of our accordion band in one of the "Hidden gardens" which were open today. The extra shows our small group about to start our 2nd performance of the afternoon and I am easy to pick out in the middle with my Corfu sun tan!

I then went for a wander into one of the other gardens in the town - an amazing example of a "lang rigg" garden dating from the Mediaeval Town Plan of St Andrews with a garden which seemed to go on for ever with lots of fascinating parts including a marvellous doocot. The owner explained to me that the cellar of the house dates back to the 14th century with other parts of the house 18th and 19th century.

This dog seemed thoroughly bored with all these people trooping through its garden as it sat staring into one of the flower borders.

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