One click at a time

By KeithKnight


Started the day with an appointment at the hospital for a 48 hour ECG monitor to be fitted. The letter had referred to returning the unit the following day (after 24 hours), but upon checking it was 48 hours, so the unit goes back on Monday.

While there I thought it would be worth checking the rearranged appointment for the echocardiogram. This had 
been scheduled for last Sunday (19th) but as I was going to be in Newcastle I had asked for it to be rescheduled, but had heard nothing. I'm glad that I did ask, as it had been rescheduled for Sunday (tomorrow).

After that it was an overdue (and rescheduled a couple of times) visit to the Tate Britain to see their Painting with Light exhibition. This is described as "Explore the painters that inspired early photographers and the photographs that changed painting" 

It turned out to be well worth visiting, a fascinating insight as well as showing some photographs where elements had been replaced in the darkroom back in the 1850s, so Photoshop didn't invent replacing the sky! (which I knew already).

While there I also caught part of "PABLO BRONSTEIN: HISTORICAL DANCES IN AN ANTIQUE SETTING", with dance occurring in different parts of the gallery. 

To quote the anonymous photographer - "Look at the ISO on that".

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