
Did some driving in the morning same old I seem to be doi g the same things wrong. Then went to the supermarket because I like picking out my own food and I usually make it more expensive and feel guilty by my coming along ! :-D. Then went out with Jas to see Alice in the looking glass which was ok, it had Alan Rickmans voice in it and we were very excited to see moriarty from sherlock in it. We had little "treat bags" from heather and a tango ice blast the film was a sequel from the previous one which I didnt know. Then we went to Pesto and Jasmine who was thinkig of painting her new attic bedroom yellow saw the yellow walls and decided this was not a good idea! It was good to talk as I have barely seen her these past few months revising. Then we did a bit of shopping and jasmine got an off assortment of things including pear spray ! Good day with lots of food :-D

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