Bohuntin Hill

It has been office day and, with the benefit of hitting the desk very early, made unusually good progress. I felt like I had got a day's work done by nine. At this point I desperately needed some  exercise and fresh air. BH beckoned.

I rarely talk politics here. My vote was very much in line with the rest of Scotland, but at odds with the rest of the UK. In the run up to the referendum I did some quiet reading and listerning of my own and tried to avoid the infantile hysterics of the more well known politicians. The truth remains that no one knows what "leave"  will mean for us but yet it is true there is need for European reform. The costly nonsense of the whole office flitting to Strasbourg for 4 days a months is absurd. and I only learned of this recently. Who wouldn't want  to dis-associate or change this.  
The lead up arguments have chopped through the big parties and the perceived "victory" is a hollow one. At Westminister the current cabinet is in disarray and there is no longer a viable opposition in place.
We are already hearing talk of "Indy 2"in Scotland such is the sense of democratic injustice.
Cameron only agreed to the Euro referendum under pressure from his own Eurosceptics and declared it with no anticiaption of defeat Turkey and Christmas come to mind.

I suspect many voters ticked a box on a gut instinct without real thought of the implications. Make no mistake Europe will not make this an easy divorce. I see worrying times ahead.

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