Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Rudi and the medicine ...

Eve's little baby Rudi rat.... He became unwell yesterday and being the know all supervet / pharmacist / Doctor / nurse that I am I predicted ear infection ... This was because he was running in circles and dropping off his shelves ... I am also a detective ..
ANYWAYYYY he was given medicine for the infection ... I don't know how many of you people have ever tried to give a minute rat medicine but it's VERY BLOODY DIFFICULT..
I've worked out you have to trap them in a tea towel and roll them like a burrito and then SQUIB the medicine in their little chops... Note the hiding of the eyes .. I got the medicine syringe out .. Clever eh' he can't see me so I must not be able to see him ...
I realise that there are millions of people out there wondering why I would pay to have the rats given medicine ... Here is my reply ..
Mind your own fucking business ...
That was said with a delightful smile on my face xxxxxxx

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