She's Back!
I was spoiled for choice today, blip-wise. While I was up at our frog pond shooting pics of a frog that was posing obligingly actually out of the pond on a rock, I heard a clunk and looked down at the front of the house where the bird feeders are. Sure enough, there was Ms. Coon - and she'd taken down the peanut feeder. I also got some nice shots of a lovely colored male House Finch. A few of the shots I didn't blip are here.
But I decided my blip had to be the naughty Raccoon. She and I had an ongoing battle for several hours until I just gave up and let her eat a bunch of peanuts in relative peace. Relative because Bugsy (the Boston Terrier/Pug cross) was out under the tree chasing her back up every time she dared to come down and eat the peanuts I put out for her (and the birds, and the squirrels) on the bottom limb where everyone eats peanuts.
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