Wild woods!!

Today started calmly enough with a visit to the garden centre for hanging baskets and flowers, the sun was out. After lunch we headed to our friend Joshua's 5th party at Woodland Imps in the woods. The boys all had a fab time in the mud kitchen, climbing the rope ladder and going up and down muddy banks!
Rosie slept in her pushchair and the cups of tea and chat flowed! Perfect...until the thunder and lightning storm arrived and we had to very hastily vacate the forest, it was certainly an adventure, we made it back to the cars rather wet! and watched the lightning as we headed off. Joshua didn't get to cut his cake or do the campfire bless him but he still had a lovely party. You couldn't make up weather like that for June.

After all that I managed a bike ride with my neighbour before the next downpour and then a curry to recover from all the freak weather later on!!

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