Leaf bitten by frost

A gloriously sunny, cold winter day. F and I went to the Winter Fayre at Brockwell Park. One of my authors was selling her books there and it was really nice to catch up with her. I bought a very fine book on rabbits by author Nicholas Allen, who signed the book with a very nice rabbit drawing. As well as the Children's Authors and Illustrators of South London, there were craft stalls - fantastic! When having a cuppa and cake on the steps of Brockwell Hall, we spied a hill we hadn't seen before, and so we went exploring. The hill, Peabody Hill, is home to the Peabody Estate. There was a pathway through the woodland at the top, and the sun hadn't hit the ground so the leaves were still frosty and the path slippery under foot. Another piece of the London jigsaw comes together!

Another thing the sun brought to my notice was spider activity - it's far more extensive than I had thought! While looking up the path to Brockwell House, the sun caught thousands and thousands of spider threads criss-crossing the entire grassy area! This means that whenever and wherever we walk over grass, we must be strolling through these thin threads, possibly dragging millions of spiders behind us!

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