A good day today...
...it has been pouring with rain most of the day. I had to visit the dentist this morning and then again this afternoon, and I can only eat something soft...no chewing for 24 hours.
And you might be wondering why I am saying it is a good day?
I had no idea my regular dentist had left. Apparently he has gone back to Europe. So I had a new dentist. I was unaware of this when I went in this morning. And I had not been looking forward to today.
A really lovely young man greeted me. He was good looking which helped :) He was very engaging, understanding, listened, and took time for me to understand him (which my previous dentist did not do, and I couldn't understand my previous dentist because he spoke poor broken English and got cross with me because I couldn't hear/tell what he said). This new young dentist took the time to explain, repeat and explain again. He was so lovely in every way!
I will go to the dentist any day as long as this new guy is treating me!
I wish every healthcare professional could be as good as this guy. In addition he was as bright and sparkly at the end of the day as he was at the beginning.
So I forgot to take a photo today! These are the yellow raspberries outside my bedroom window...except I ate them as soon as I took a pic...
Going to have a lie down...tired, with a bit of a headache. But it has been a really good day!
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