The Re-Naming of Parts
This is the Swing Tree, from days of yore, now renamed something else, along with all the other notable features of the wood where we played as children, and where my children are now running wild. Only, of course, not so wild that Katherine has not had a chance to draw a wildly inaccurate map and name everything (my favourite being the Uncharted Unallowed Area - "We call it the UUA for short", I was airily informed. In our day it was Robin Hood's Wood.)
In case you are worried about the perilous state of the swing tree, its function has now been taken by the larger more sturdy tree behind and today Conor was declared Lord of the Swing.
While the kids played amongst nature, I was perched on the edge of the sofa waiting for a gap in the excitement of the cycling to go and answer an increasingly urgent call of nature myself. Then synchronised diving and canoeing to calm things down a bit. Interspersed with some reading. And no work. I could get used to holidays.
After a day of showers, the evening sunshine and blue skies are very inviting. Maybe I'll go out for a go on the swing. If the Lord of Swing will allow it.
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