Grad Smile
Tonight was the first of three grads that I will be attending this week. The first one was for my former student, Jack. He was my student for 7 years and we were pretty 'tight'. Such a clever and a fun-loving young man with a wicked sense of humour. Jack can only move his head purposefully and cannot speak at all. Even though he has a communication device that he operates by hitting a switch by his head, Jack is faster when he 'talks' with his eyes. Unfortunately, not everyone understands his slight eye movements and what they mean.
Tonight was special. He did not know that I would be there, so when he first came into the auditorium, he spotted me and started to 'yell'. It was a proud night for him and me.
This is his father with him and in the extra is a photo of us before we had a dance together.
Two more slideshows and two more grads to go....
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