Napping...But On the Alert

Driving around our downtown...
in my little red truck.
Pulled into the city lot...
to see ducklings and mother duck.

One of the nice things about being retired,
is that you've always got time to kill.
I could stay as long as I wanted...
to shoot the family on the hill.

I waited for 21 minutes,
to get all seven sets of eyes.
They finally did all turn around...
much to my surprise.

I hate to make a picture complaint,
of the wee ones in the duck show.
But, don't you think the 6th one...
could have joined the duckling row?

They could have merged their down-filled wings,
into a dancing ducky sextet.
Then raised their tiny feet of web...
like the Radio City Rockettes.

But they didn't.

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