Tiny Tuesday - Safety Pin

In the wake of the terrible rise in racist incidents since the Referendum, someone on Twitter has put forward the idea of wearing a safety pin on your clothes to show your solidarity with people facing this kind of hatred and abuse. 
It's a small thing, but maybe it can make a difference.

"miss pommery 1926, ‏ Jun 26  #safetypin 
The idea being that anyone against the sort of nationalistic, racist violence we've been seeing could identify themselves as a "safe" ally.

I'd like to come up with something that can be made by anybody anywhere to pin on their jacket or coat to signify that they are an ally. 
A safe person to sit next to on a bus, walk next to on a street, even have a conversation with.
I quite like the idea of just putting a safety pin, empty of anything else, on your coat. A literal SAFETY pin!"

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