Dogs Vs Politics

From tiny manic bitey mc bite face to gangly happy Dave groupie, to slightly larger happy Dave groupie. Yes, Max, a.k.a "Greyfriar's Jobbie" as we like to call him - when he's pining for Dave on the other side of the toilet door - reached the grand old age of one year old today. He mostly celebrated by continuing to act like a three month old puppy.

Meanwhile, in today's dose of the post EU ref political circus, at 7.05am, Brian Blessed was heard to shout, "Osborne's Alive!", while the rest of us quickly realised we shouldn't have actually bothered enquiring about him being awol in the first place. Cameron meanwhile made a non shiny and chrome but completely mediocre parliament statement while the media preferred to avoid reporting or investigating the Tory Party abrogating all responsibility for the farce we now find ourselves in to focus entirely on the shadow cabinet game of dominoes yet with scant interest in the 10,000 support protest for Corbyn on Parliament green. Of course Boris' cricket scores got some coverage because that is so very important and no doubt Farage was enjoying some lovely late supper French food in preparation for his Eurobaiting "day in the (Rupert Murdoch) Sun".

The dog's birthday wins.

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