
All exciting stuff this week! Blipmeet tomorrow, another Blipmeet Tuesday & Wednesday! Get me! What did I do before Blip then?

Anyway, I know you really want to know what I've done today. Well, I yelled at some scullers, then encouraged Zara, then I went a bit barmy at Becky. Then we went out for lunch, test drove a car, called at Makro to bulk buy toilet roll. the one piece for a wee, two pieces for a .... rule has long gone. Then home, I've just yelled at Becky again, and just now at Liam Tancock. These people are amazing, true ambassadors of Great Britain, and total idols. I'm loving these Olympics!! Go people!! Watching folk winning, trying their best, giving their all is awe inspiring, I'm an emotional wreck. I cry constantly. Might explain a few pieces of loo roll actually.

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