A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Olympic fever continues

Dodging the showers we had a lovely cycle down to Chiswick House this morning to meet up with friends and family for a play and lunch. There was much Olympic inspired activity including this attempt at a race walk - as you can see they haven't quite mastered it just yet. Before this we had volleyball and badminton in the garden.

After all that activity the afternoon was largely spent on the sofa watching table tennis, beach volleyball, archery, canoeing, handball, cycling, diving, hockey and gymnastics. Well, it was for me. The kids are a lot harder to tire out and watched the Olympics when they weren't having their own in the garden or making an Olympic board game. They are certainly being inspired by the Games. I'm just enjoying watching lots of interesting sports that I don't normally watch and with the added bonus of the London landscape. I was a little sad that we hadn't managed to get many tickets but after today I'm happy that I've seen so much.

And now a great evening of swimming races.

Lesley x

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