Education the key

Today I was at a seminar organised by Rural Women NZ South Canterbury Branch.
The main speaker was the most amazing woman whose daughter had been brutally murdered by her tutor from the university. She had broken off her relationship with him and was packing to shift to Wellington to take up a very prestigious job with the Treasury.
He came to the house and very viciously murdered her with her mother in the house but she couldn't get in to her.
In an attempt to do something worthwhile in Sophies memory she has with the help of an ex policeman and others written a book and has now made a programme that they are taking to schools all around NZ. The programme is teaching acceptable behaviour and how to see the signs of a bad relationship.
There were other speakers on domestic violence that made people aware of where to go for help etc. It was a very sobering but worthwhile day.
Sophie's mother would have to be one of the bravest women I have met. Working so hard to share this message so that Sophie's death will not have been for nothing. She still works part time as a neonatal nurse and must get so exhausted travelling the length and breadth of the country to share the message. The image is Sophie's mother standing in front  of the poster with her daughters photo on it
The programme they are taking into schools is " Love Me Not" if you want to google it

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