
By DawnAgain


Another day, another woodpecker. Well, two, to be precise. That's what I saw when I looked out of the bedroom window this morning. Having done a little research, I believe the one pictured is the dad and the other one (which I tried and failed to get in the frame at the same time) was a juvenile. They were around most of the time I was here this morning and it was a shame I had to go to work at lunchtime as I might have got the elusive double shot if I'd tried a bit longer. Anyway, we've turned a big corner at work and seem to be completely on top of things for the first time in about a year. Let's see if it lasts...

I'm trying to concentrate on the nice things in life, like the birds in the garden, rather than the complete hash of absolutely everything our politicians are making. You couldn't make it up.

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