Must be good for you ...
A colleague at work sent me home a little collection of treats in a sealed envelope, one of which was chocolate coated pumpkin seeds. Such a nice thought, very caring. These were absolutely gorgeous; I had to exercise a lot of restraint not to scoff the whole bag in one go.
So Day 3 in the Big Druggie House, not that I will notice anything yet. Its more the fact of being off work and on more pills that is strange. I really couldn't live like this. Not enough structure to the day. But I did get myself a telephone assessment on Friday for a local IAPT service, which stands for Improving Access to Psychological Therapies. I used to manage one of these, years ago before they became trendy and had lots of money poured into them. Now I am a client. How things change.
A double hit on the fatigue today, completely crashed again a couple of times. But have had some lovely supportive comments from fellow Blippers, particularly Whiskyfoxtrot who advised me to bung on some happy music and try "shoogling yer bahookie".
One big thing. Cancelled my Labour Party membership today. Appalled at where it has landed and can't think of any other way of making my voice heard. Took out a subscription for The Guardian instead on the grounds that Polly Toynbee is a more effective opposition that Jeremy Corbyn.
Did do the gym again and cook supper for everyone. But couldn't relax somehow; all part of my problem. Need to be doing something.
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