Good news / bad news
The good news first (then the happy optimists among you can just skip along to the next blip of kittens). We have the working car back! After 10 weeks, the damage wrought by the Toyota garage is finally fixed.
The mechanic mocked me when I said it was an old car (12 years) and pointed at a gorgeous big old Merc, which had been a diplomatic car (he showed me where the flag goes). Here is another ancient car from his yard - in slightly worse nick than the Merc - from the 70s. And there were older cars (with wings!) there too.
Earlier, I was invited to a champagne party, CarbBoy had his second blood test* and was 'very brave' and TallGirl witnessed the anger of a cat that wakes up without its goolies.
In between the two, some realism struck and we brought facts into our discussion on our plans of action. So, a downside we were worried about for the kids is mostly less awful than we thought, but plan one is impossible in the short term. Much anger today in the house of B.
On another day a car pulling out to overtake and causing me to drive off road at 60mph, with reactions that even surprised Mr B (passenger due to Brexit rage clouding his driving ability) might have been the headline. Today, it was just another hurdle.
* He was less brave at his first blood test, aged about 2, when it took 4 of us to hold him down (one of us sobbing).
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