Drama Queen

Shrieking or rather issuing a high pitched squeal whilst on the phone which I then dropped, uttering, 'Gotta go! Fox on lawn just in front of me!' was the culmination of a day of drama here.

I found a chiffchaff/ little warblery thing battering it's head against the bathroom window unable to get out so I ended up pirouetting in the bidet to rescue it. 

The baby robin then became trapped in the hall and narrowly missed Poppy's mouth as she made a lunge in it's direction, then narrowly missed  knocking over in it's frantic escape bid, the large vase of flowers on the hall table. Eventually, not moving very swiftly or agilely in my boot I did managed to catch the poor little thing and let it go outside. 

Back at my desk later I heard yet another commotion and both dogs were staring in amazement at a baby blue tit doing speedy circuits of the conservatory worthy of The Stig in Top Gear!

This all culminated in the fox padding not ten feet away on the lawn, nose down purposefully heading for the chickens. Far too close for comfort and I wish I could move faster!! Tallulah Tufty here was still nervously looking round as I sat in my office to take the shot; on fox watch!

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