My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

My moment to shine...

After only a few hours sleep I awoke feeling pumped with adrenalin. After all the hours at rehearsals, giving up endless evenings and weekends we had finally made it. It was Show Day!

I sat and watched a couple of hours of the TV build-up and every time they said "we're just hours away from the Opening Ceremony" nerves swept over my body. Bag packed and after saying goodbye to Matt I was on my way to the Olympic Park. I decided to get off at Stratford rather than Leyton as I wanted to walk through the park on my own to soak up the atmosphere. I had heard on the volunteer facebook groups that Westfield was being closed down at 3pm so I was expecting the area to be really busy but the journey was smooth and I was through security in record time. The park was bustling with early visitors and cast making the most of their time. I stopped to take lots of photos before heading over to Eaton Manor.

I bumped into Peter and friends at the entrance as we queued to get our arm stamp that would get us into the Stadium without our lanyard passes. After getting to the desk we were given a souvenir copy of the Opening Ceremony Programme and a Certificate for taking part. All of the volunteer's names and photos are in the programme and it's a lovely memory of the experience.

My G&P friends were soon with me and we started getting ready and into costume. The air was filled with excitement, laughter and nervous energy. We were having a group photo taken at 5.30 so we got ready earlier than normal. After the photo the time just disappeared and I felt rushed for the first time to finish doing hair and make-up. More photos and then we were lined up behind our 'Vom 2' sign ready for our final walk to the stadium. Just after we set off I spotted Stella McCartney with her entourage and asked if I could have my photo taken with her. Soon everyone crowded around and she later tweeted the picture she took and retweeted the photo I took! Walking over to the Stadium with some of the amazing friends I've made over the last nine months since we first auditioned was a privilege. There were crowds and media as we got closer to wish us good luck and I was enjoying every moment.

After getting to our backstage Vom my friend Jolanta and I decided we would go for a walk and see how far we could get. We managed to get our photo taken with the Olympic (back-up) flame, Danny Boyle and loads of the props from the show. We then went back to meet the kids and we were soon heading out for our part of the biggest show on earth.

I really can't convey the feeling of walking out into the Olympic Stadium to perform in the London 2012 Opening Ceremony, in front of an audience of 80,000 with a predicted TV audience of four billion people. It has to be the most exciting moment of my life!

The atmosphere in the stadium was electric and I was bursting with pride as the countdown started and the roar of crowd erupted. All our section went to plan and the tree was soon being uprooted and I was leading my children off the stage so they can exit safely before the WMW group rip it all up. As we walked up the aisle to exit, we high-fived the crowd who were beaming with smiles. Amazing!

It was then that Sophie and I decided we would put our plan into action. We went straight into the toilets in the Stadium and changed out of our costumes. I had shorts on underneath and had tied a t-shirt to my radio belt. I had a fold up bag in my back pocket which we put our costumes into. We then put our Olympic lanyards on and casually walked back in and found two free seats. We were fully expecting to be challenged but nobody did! We stayed to watch up until the end of the dancing section. I got loads of photos and we were dancing away to music feeling very emotional. We knew we had to be back at Eton Manor by 10.45 or bags would be thrown away as they were clearing the area.

As we left the stadium we walked past all the athletes who were lined up outside. They were cheering us as we walked past cheered them. Everyone was looking for Jamaica and we could hear the screaming as we approached. We then spotted Usain Bolt and I took a couple of slightly blurred shots as everyone was moving around me. We then had to dash back to get our stuff. We were then told we should exit via Leyton Tube exit as the park was being emptied for the fireworks. We decided to ignore this and head for the Stratford Gate exit. We thought we would be stopped at some point but nobody was about to notice us. As we got closer to the Stadium we realised the end of athletes parade were still waiting which meant only one thing....Team GB!

Sophie and I were inches from the team and stood chatting to everyone. It was a surreal moment which felt almost dreamlike. Team GB with the backdrop of the Stadium on the night London hosts the Olympic Games! We then spotted Tom Daley and I leaned forward to ask one of the Games Makers if they could take a photo. The next thing I knew, Tom took my camera and leaned in next to me and took the photo himself! I was overwhelmed and it made my night.

After watching the rest of Team GB go past we sat and watched some of the parade on the big screen. We then found a good spot to watch the fireworks just in front of the Stadium near the Orbit Tower. Both of us were amazed that all our plans had worked and we were having the time of our lives. As the fireworks went off I had tears in my eyes. What a truly amazing day! The fireworks were incredible and I felt so proud to have been part of this historic event.

We then dashed to make the after show party and catch-up with the rest of the cast. We were able to watch the ceremony on repeat together and it was a great experience to cheer everyone as they appeared on the screen. We left at about 2.15 to get the last tube trains back into London.

What an amazing day!

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