Black-billed Gull

Stars were twinkling at 6am, a sunrise was in my mind but by 7am thick grey cloud hovered over the landscape, sunrise was going to be a non-event.

Sick of being at home, sick of the dull weather and feeling not very inspired I had to get out of the house, a new lens had been bursting it's britches wanting to get out and play. I picked mum up and away we went.

But first lunch must be had and fingers crossed the sky would clear while we were dining but unfortunately that didn't happen, instead a shower came through and we thought our day was over. With heavy hearts we went to the Ashley Rakahuri estuary at Waikuku where kingfishers were feeding alongside white-faced herons, some good boring shots were taken.

Moving on we went to the new town of Pegasus where I had heard the endemic and endangered Black-bill gull was roosting over winter. Absolutely delighted to see this bird and get some good shots. Late August they begin breeding on the Ashley river which leads into the Ashley Rakahuri estuary. Only about 10 were at Pegasus today but I had heard there had been up to 40 earlier on in the month.

Black-billed gulls are widespread, inland in spring and summer in the South Island, coastal wetlands in autumn and winter. Small very pale gull; very similar to Red-billed but smaller and upper wing pale grey with black and white tips. Bill black and rather thin, slightly longer than Red-billed. Eye white, ring black. Legs dull red-black. Breeds on ground in braided riverbeds in South Island. Unlike other gulls black-billed gulls are less aggressive and less confiding in their association with humans. They are not known to scavenge nor search our refuse dumps instead feeding on worms, freshwater fish and aquatic insects, invertebrates and grubs. They are protected.

I've added a side view in the extras showing more detail and noting how they sit in the water with their tail raised quite high.

Scientific name: Larus bulleri
Common name: Black-billed gull
Maori name: Tarapunga

A wonderful day out with mum even though the weather wasn't quite on our side.

Happy Thursday everyone :)

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