Mystery : something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain

When I checked last night and saw that the theme for Abstract Thursday was “mystery”, my mind was completely blank.  After my very early morning yesterday, I slept very well, so didn’t do much thinking overnight - but this morning, I was back on the job - and here is my interpretation of that word and I am sure you can see immediately what it is!

If not, then I will explain - Mr. HCB is an avid collector of books or a bibliophile.  His current database on his computer contains about 600 books and this includes his books on the Channel Islands, various other travel books and every book that Stephen Leather and Jack Higgins have written — and these just happen to be “mystery” or crime books so as you can imagine, we need a room big enough to contain all these.  I know it’s going to be very hard if we need to downsize, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it.  

We have a big enough house that we can go our separate ways so Mr. HCB often goes up into his library, sits in his late mother’s Parker Knoll chair and loses himself in his books - that is, of course, when he is not in the garden or going to cricket matches.

With a little bit of help from my Tangled FX app, I have changed these Jack Higgins books into an abstract and now, before the rain comes again, I need to go and deadhead some of my roses.

“All the books we own, both read and unread, 
     are the fullest expression of self 
          we have at our disposal…..
but with each passing year, 
     and with each whimsical purchase, 
          our libraries become more and more able 
               to articulate who we are, 
                    whether we read the books or not.” 
Nick Hornby, The Polysyllabic Spree

P.S.  Mr. HCB has read ALL his Stephen Leather and Jack Higgins books and a great many of his Channel Islands and other ones too!

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