Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

What a Fascinator

Jess has just returned for her tea and loves scenting the succulents, thankfully she avoids the cacti.

Hubby's working hard today so I've spent hours cleaning Can Tankerous inside and out, washing and ironing etc.  A cold glass of vino blanco will be my reward this evening and I'm sure he'll be having a few, well deserved, beers too!

A Bingo Update:-  She's making a slow, but steady recovery.  The two horrific wounds to either side of her neck are slowly healing and she is now starting to put on some weight.  Ian, my UK neighbour, was able to hand feed her a biscuit for the first time yesterday which is a step in the right direction.  He's an elderly gentleman but loves Bingo as much as I do so I know she's in good hands.


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