Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Never mind the Pollocks

Is it really, nearly a week?

Weekend was good. Did proper, relaxey, yoga on Saturday. I had a go at the 10k Fartlek (snigger) on Tuesday and ended up being the poor sap who watched the clock and called out the times. The concentration probably helped to take my mind off the running... I ended up covering 7.35 miles...

Wednesday? C got elected to the University Senate. I think that this makes her my boss. No change there.

And work? I think that I am being lined up for a no-win situation. Maybe it's to test my character like when Captain Kirk wasn't a captain and had to do the impossible thing that was impossible only he did something clever and changed the rules. Maybe I can do that?

This arrived today. I've already listened to the download that Amazon give you when you buy something and it's very good.

Now off for the evening 5aSide...

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