
This shopping trolley collects gifts for the homeless in Stirling. It’s parked in the reception area of the Peak, our local Sports centre, which I have just joined, on a doctors referral (dodgy knees result of taking up jogging in my 40’s) and within minutes of stepping inside I meet folk I know- also on a doctor’s referral.

We don’t bother with niceties about the weather or family but get straight to the point.
“What is it?”
Answers vary: “arthritis” “cancer”: “stroke”  “heart.”
There is a certain camaraderie that here we are in the latter stages of our lives and suddenly we are plunged into the world of youth and fitness.
We get three months at a reduced cost with a training programme and access to a personal trainer, a regular follow up to check we are doing the stuff we are supposed to be doing in the gym and all this is recorded on a computer chip linked to an app and (once `I have figured out how to use it) my computer as well as my smartphone.
Yes its high-tech fitness.
Today I found myself on a cross-trainer with a young man on a running machine on my left and a seriously obese woman on my right.
Will I keep it up?.....watch this space.


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