
JL rang me this morning, suggesting a dog walk while the rain stayed away. I readily agreed, as I have a day off today.

Off we went to the river, where the dogs raced around and had a ball. We then bumped into a lady from the UK, who had a wire-haired Vizsla, amongst others.

The dogs played and played and played.

This wee one wasn't quite as keen to be sniffed and bounced at by the big dogs and it took refuge between the legs of its owner. It felt safer there.

Home again, cup of coffee and then off to my room/office to do some photography work. All is calm and quiet in here, two cats entwined on the bed and a big red dog lying as close to the heater as possible, and also acting as a handy draft excluder.

Had better chip away at this 'to do' list then.

Bye all.

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