Friday Visits

My step counter thing still refuses to add up steps taken when pushing a wheelchair so it never reads 10k+! 

I took New Boy for a mystery tour of Melksham that led us to an enormous cemetary. Probably not the best place to take a 93 year old with his last few years ahead. The Cemetary led to a Nature Reserve and a River Walk. I know I have just "done"  very wet and muddy Glastonbury but when we happened across a massive puddle, I made a detour via Sainsbury's Cafe. Here we sat and watched the shoppers from above. New Boy thoroughly enjoyed his vantage point. On returning home, Mrs NB told me that they often had lunch at this cafe but anyone would have thought NB had never been there before.

Scandalous Octogenarian was much the same. No new juicy stories; just the same old.

For Mrs W, I found a new Tea Room. Pickleberry at Bratton. Lovely beetroot and seed cake!

Mr W asked if I could visit in the evenings under a private arrangement. He says he would make it worth my while financially. (I declined) He says his wife becomes very agitated between 8 and 9.30pm and he'd like help with her. He has 2 daughters very close by (literally) and one did, reluctantly, pop in yesterday evening but it's not enough.

I know we are all made differently but I was there everyday for my Mum and later gave up my job to look after Dad so I felt sad that Mr W wasn't (apparently) getting the support of his girls. He doesn't want an agency but some one he knows and trusts.

Bless his heart. He's 89 and tired. I shall report back to HQ and they can send out an advisor. 

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