Retirement Chair

So eight weeks in to retirement my blip is intended to convey the fact that the symbolic chair of relaxation has been underused thus far. I have spent around 50% sick so far not counting the chronic conditions I have which remarkably have been very well behaved. I went 24 years without missing a day at work and often thought these bugs were a myth.

Anyway I remain optimistic. I am feeling a little better and really hope to get to Scarborough Sunday onwards. I now know my bug was not viral but bacterial as the tests are in. This means I have started now some anti biotics which should rid the system of any remaining bug and then retirement can begin.

I have had a torrid week but I want to say this that despite the attacks on the NHS, the part privatisation, the budget cuts, the underfunding, they have come up trumps for me this week as they so often do. I have nothing but praise for them all - emergency doctors, consultant, blood tests, test centre staff, GP and pharmacy. Thanks to all of them

So I hope you get to see me blossom this week end and I hope you all have wonderful times wherever and whatever you are doing,

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