
By HF1

100th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme

Apologies for photo of a screenshot but I felt really moved by the ceremony just before half past seven this morning at the time the whistles blew in 1916. The commemoration was beautifully done as you would expect with poignant words and music. I'd forgotten that the newspapers at the time were filled with pages and pages of the names of those who had died giving the lie to the untruths being put to the Nation of our 'winning the battles'.

At school today, Y5 and Y6 put on a show 'Aladdin Trouble' - it was heartening to see such enthusiasm , months of rehearsals paying off. The class I have been covering on Fridays I hadn't seen for 3 Fridays so it was lovely to be welcomed back by the children with a hug from one of the children with specific needs.

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