Just the Withers......

By JaneW

By order of the peaky blinders ...

It's exhausting sightseeing ...
I tell you what though we have not stopped laughing all day,we think we are so bloody funny ...
I met Blipper Cameron McVean at his gawwgus new café/coffee shop/bistro .. The coffee was GOOD ... The homemade cake was 10/10 ... If it had been rubbish I was going to pretend I never met him or heard of the village of Gifford.

Hel my other blip friend joined us at 5pm and we had much merriment... Messed about in some shops and then went for a late dinner as it was 9pm... I'll have wind all night now from eating that late ...

Blip taken some where in the area of Musselburgh .... I dunno,but it's a lovely coast line around here .

PS.. LeeAnne took the splendid full of drama picture ...

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