
By carliewired

Happy Birthday, Canada!

With cake and fireworks,
With friends and family we
celebrate today!

~ carliewired

Canada's 149th birthday began for me with a tea for seniors. I was certainly the youngest senior in attendance, but it was all for seniors, nonetheless! We stood to sing "O Canada" together, then dived into a table of delights including Saskatoon berry pie. You haven't lived until you have had a slice of Saskatoon berry pie!

I joined my kids to celebrate their first anniversary. A treated us all to a feast of Indian food - butter chicken to kheer! It was fantastic! We call A our "Martha Stewart". After dinner the mothers - in - law did the dishes. The young people were heading off to the downtown to watch the fireworks after dark. I headed home to watch the light show from my deck. Fireworks are such a fitting end to a birthday!

The curious thing for me today was the taped driveway. I arrived around noon at my friend's apartment building to collect her for the tea. When I parked my car I noticed the tape laid down across a crack in the pavement of the driveway. I have often complained about the state of road repairs in our fair city. Perhaps there is a message here for me in this!

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