Bristolwood and Beyond

By bristolwood


As I walked down our (steep. ridiculously steep, and did I mention steep?) road to grab the neswspaper, I saw this Thistle alongside the road. The color was so intense and it was so perfect, I just had to photograph it!

The walk to get the paper is a long one....the carrier refuses to come up our road so I must walk down to the bottom of the hill. (Or, I usually drive!)

As I walked back up, I was aware someone was following me. I turned to see a bicylist slowly pedalling his way up the hill. I stopped to take my photo and as he passed, I told him I don't know how he does it. He commented back our road is not an easy one. He overtook me and it gave me the thrust to press onward!

By the time I got back home, my heart was throbbing full speed! I remember years ago when the mail was not delivered on our hill. I used to walk this same path with two little toddlers on a sled in the winter and a wagon in the summer!

Ah, 'tis tough growing old!

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