Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Barry to the rescue! Twice.

The on-going saga of the lack of wifi connection continued apace this morning. I rang Big Pond, the service provider, and had to explain to four different people what the problem was. I live in the UK. I am on holiday here. For the last three weeks I could access the wifi, and now I can't.

'Just a security question: What is the full name of the subscriber?'
'I don't know the full name'
'Can I speak to the subscriber?'
'No. They are in Edinburgh.'

I was just about tearing my hair out after a while, as trying to spell out, in NATO phonetic alphabet (had to look up the proper name for it) when you say 'A for Apple' to four different people who couldn't understand me.

Eventually they said to try Apple support, in case it was the iPad, as the other iPad was still accessing it, although very slowly.

We went down to the library. (Wonderful place!) Perfect access. Modem problem established. Hoping our saviour Barry has access to it, as the other iPad has now gone phut!

However, the car is all charged up (thanks to Barry) and so we took it out for a drive and a picnic. No, the car didn't have a picnic, we did.

We ended up at the Botanical Gardens, which are extremely lovely. We were last there in the rain, but today was perfect. The lake was still and blue, and there were walks all around it, which we didn't see last time.

We spent ages there, spotting a sea eagle flying and trying to get a shot of flying ducks. No luck. But I chose the water lily for my blip today because it's such a special place. There were picnic tables all around the lake, with only a couple of other cars.

Came back by the marina, popping in to see what was happening. My friend Percy was asleep on the street lamp. But he and his friends (Pamela, Patrick, and Priscilla) swooped in when I was looking the other way and hung around a fisherman gutting his catch of snapper. He threw a couple of big fish heads to the pelicans.

What a carry on! They swallow it whole, of course, and their neck has a humungous bulge for ages. The photo looked somewhat gruesome, so I didn't use it. I thought they looked quite distressed with their huge neck, but I may be wrong, as they kept doing it.

Later: Wifi restored. Modem located and given a good talking to. Barry came to the rescue again. What a man!

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