Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Nimble feet

A whole day at the Scottish Game Fair. This was the horse logging demonstration. This wee boy can pull a ton and a half! Intrresting to see all the set up and rigging and Billy the horse was super keen and put a lot of effort into the wee logs he was pulling!

Hours of shopping with great deals. Including a new waterproof jacket for me!! Yay!! And dris got an equifleece blanket too. There was sooo much to see. Dris behaved really well and was very patient. He was quite excited about the scurry but I didnt get round to giving him a go. Watched a bit of the sheepdog demo with ducks very good dog man who gave a good insight into collies and their training which was nice. 

Then on to Oban where we had time to do a tesco shop before parking at the ferry and getting fish and chips and watching downloaded movie on my kindle. Late ferry home and very very happy collies when we got in!

Sunshine and heavy showers

Backblipped for yesterday. Avoided wifi while away nice to switch off from it.

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