Investigating wood lice

I was just heading off to the gym when #3 daughter phoned to see if it was ok for her the Ella and Nathaniel to come up in the morning instead of later. So we had them for the whole day. Ella and Nathaniel played really well together, mostly pretending or playing hide and seek. They enjoyed the garden too. The rain started in the afternoon just when #2 daughter arrived with Thomas and James. When it cleared up we headed for the woods - they have found a fallen tree where they pull at the bark to find wood lice.

It's been a busy day, what with all the hiding, running and pretending, not to mention a spot of making courgette fritters for lunch, then a chicken dinner at night.

#2 daughter is staying over with the boys as her husband has gone to India for a week for work. We are going to be helping out this week as she has to go to London one day for work, and on another day has to give an early morning seminar.

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